The $100 Building
The $100 building.... This is one of my favorite stories to tell. It's an amazing story of the provision of God!
When I met Josh- he was a one man business. He took the work order, designed the graphic, created the item, installed if needed, and then invoiced and delivered to customer. All. On. His. Own. (I simply can't believe this now!)
Josh worked out of a 800 square foot location and had his office at home. (This is why our bedroom was the living room in our 1 bedroom apartment when we first got married) I told him I was not sleeping next to rolls of vinyl!
Josh continued to grow the business and decided it was time for a bigger space so he could grow even more. Our good buddy Frank showed us a few different buildings that were available. One being the one we are in now... The price tag? $5,000
Before we could make a decision- Frank called to tell us the Main Street building was going up for auction instead. At first, we panicked. Then we prayed and trusted the Lord.
Auction day came-- Josh submitted our bid. Our bid was for $100. Turns out we were the only bidders, so $100 later and we owned all 5200 square feet of 410 Main St in Rockport, Indiana.
Of course, It had things that HAD to be done that cost a whole lot more than $100 but- because of the $100 we were able to make it what we needed and have continued to do so. We've put TWO roofs on it (word of advice: spend the big bucks first with a top quality company), redone the subfloor, new doors and windows, new steps, redone the bathroom, a lot of paint, and a whole lot of TLC!!
I am so thankful for where we've come. In 2012 it was Josh, an old vinyl plotter, and a hand made screen printing press by his dad. Now in 2017 it's Josh, myself, and 4 other awesome employees. We have an automatic screen printing press, 2 manual presses, digital printer, vinyl plotter, coroplast sign screen printer, and SOOO much more.
I don't say all that to boast- but as an encouragement to those in the beginning stage of your business... To hold tight. Work in the tight space- trust the Lord. He will provide a way. Looking back I am completely blown away by His provision on our lives. Sure, money still gets tight sometimes (any business owner who acts like it doesn't or says it doesn't- clue all of us others in!)
We are forever grateful for how the Lord provided.
Awesome testimony of trusting God.